Options are simply a legally binding agreement to buy and/or sell a particular asset at a particular price (strike price), on or before a specified date (maturity date).
There are two types of Options that can be bought (Long) and sold (Short):

> CALL Option: Gives the owner the right, but not the obligation, to buy a particular asset at a specific price, on or before a certain time.

> PUT Option: Gives the owner the right, but not the Obligation, to sell a particular asset at a specific price, on or before a certain time.

Options were created to manage one thing, risk. They can be used to hedge, speculate or simply as insurance. What’s important to note with options trading, is that investors should clearly define the benefits and risks of each and every position they enter into ahead of time. Although Options are important tools for hedging and risk management, traders could end up losing more than the cost of the option itself.

Below is a summary of how options function.


>> As a Call Buyer you:

>Acquire the right but not the obligation to buy the underlying at a certain price (strike) for a period of time
> Have to pay a premium
> Want the underlying price to increase


As a call Buyer, your maximum loss is the premium already paid for buying the call option.

To get to a point where your loss is zero (breakeven) the price of the option should increase to cover the strike price in addition to premium already paid.

Your maximum gain is unlimited as a call buyer given the fact that there is no ceiling to price increase.

What are your choices as a call buyer?

> To exercise and buy the underlying when the option is in the money.

> Trade the option also when the option is in the money.

> You can walk away and not exercise the option.

What are your two main objectives as a call buyer?

> To speculate on the potential rise in the price of an underlying instrument.

> To hedge a Short position on the same underlying.

>> As a Call Seller you:

> Assume the obligation [not the choice] to sell the underlying when the call buyer exercises his option.

> Will receive a premium for that obligation to sell [from the buyer of the option]

> Will be willing to see the underlying price decreasing.


As a call seller your maximum loss is unlimited.

To reach breakeven point, the price of the option should increase to cover the strike price in addition to premium already paid.

Your maximum gain as a call seller is the premium already received.

What are your choices as a call seller?

> In case the call option is exercised by the buyer of the call, then the seller has the obligation to deliver the underlying with a potential of unlimited loss.

> If the underlying price decreases, option expires worthless and the seller will keep the premium as the maximum profit attributed to this trade.

What is your main objective as a call seller?

> To increase yield by selling calls against positions held long.



>>As a Put Buyer you:

> Have the right [but not the obligation] to sell the underlying at a certain price (strike) for a period of time.

> Pay a certain premium for holding the right to exercise.

> Want the underlying price to decrease.


As a Put Buyer, your maximum loss is the premium already paid for buying the put option.

To reach breakeven point, the price of the option should decrease to cover the strike price minus the premium already paid.

Your maximum gain as a put buyer is the strike price minus the premium.

What are your choices as a call buyer?

> To exercise and sell the underlying when the option is in the money.

> Trade the option, when the option is in the money.

> You can walk away and not exercise the option [on the option seller] when your put option is out of the money.

What are your two main objectives as a call buyer?

> To speculate on the potential drop in the price of an underlying instrument.

> To hedge a long position on the same underlying against a market drop.

>>As a Put Seller you:

> Assume the obligation [not the choice] to buy the underlying when the put buyer exercises his option.

> For that assumption you will receive a premium [from the buyer of the option]

> Will be willing to see the underlying price increase.


As a put seller your maximum loss is the strike price minus the premium.

To get to a point where your loss is zero (breakeven) the price of the option should not be less than the premium already received.

Your maximum gain as a put seller is the premium received.

What are your choices as a put seller?

> In case the buyer of the put exercises the put option, then the seller has the obligation to deliver the underlying with a potential loss.

> If the underlying price increases, it becomes worthless on maturity date, and the seller keeps the premium as maximum profit.

What is your main objective as a put seller?

As a put seller, investors believe that the underlying stock price will rise and that they will be able to profit from a rise in the stock price by selling puts. Investors who sell a put are obligated to purchase the underlying stock if the buyer decides to exercise the option. An investor who sells a put may also be selling the put as a way to obtain the underlying security at a cheaper price. If the stock is put to the investor, the investor’s purchase price is reduced by the amount of the premium received.





How to pass the CMA exam? ›

Here Are My Top 10 Tips for Passing the CMA Exam on Your Very First Try!
  1. Learn Your Study Style. ...
  2. Don't Just Buy a Review Course – Use It. ...
  3. Give Your Brain a Break. ...
  4. Get a Study Buddy. ...
  5. Simulate the Exam Experience. ...
  6. Make the Multiple Choice Section Work For You. ...
  7. Dominate the Essay Section. ...
  8. Focus on Your Health.

What is the maximum loss on selling puts? ›

As a put seller your maximum loss is the strike price minus the premium. To get to a point where your loss is zero (breakeven) the price of the option should not be less than the premium already received. Your maximum gain as a put seller is the premium received.

What happens if my options call is wrong? ›

If the stock trades below the strike price, the call is “out of the money” and the option expires worthless. Then the call seller keeps the premium paid for the call while the buyer loses the entire investment.

How much money can you lose on a call option? ›

Each contract typically has 100 shares as the underlying asset, so 10 contracts would cost $500 ($0.50 x 100 x 10 contracts). If you buy 10 call option contracts, you pay $500—this is the maximum loss you can incur. However, your potential profit is theoretically limitless.

How many questions can you miss on the CMA exam? ›

If you answer less than 50% of the multiple-choice questions wrong, you will not be allowed to proceed to the essay portion of the test. However, if you do but still receive less than a total of 360 points, you will have failed. First, don't feel too bad: you're in good company.

How many times can you fail CMA? ›

How many times can I take the exam? Initial candidates for the CMA (AAMA) Exam are allowed three exam attempts. Candidates recertifying by exam are allowed three attempts. Each attempt will require a new exam application and fee.

Can you lose more than 100% with puts? ›

The maximum loss is limited. The worst that can happen is for the stock price to be above the strike price at expiration with the put owner still holding the position. The put option expires worthless and the loss is the price paid for the put.

Can you lose more than 100% on a put option? ›

For a put option buyer, the maximum loss on the option position is limited to the premium paid for the put.

Is selling puts better than buying calls? ›

Which to choose? - Buying a call gives an immediate loss with a potential for future gain, with risk being is limited to the option's premium. On the other hand, selling a put gives an immediate profit / inflow with potential for future loss with no cap on the risk.

How do you never lose in option trading? ›

The option sellers stand a greater risk of losses when there is heavy movement in the market. So, if you have sold options, then always try to hedge your position to avoid such losses. For example, if you have sold at the money calls/puts, then try to buy far out of the money calls/puts to hedge your position.

Why are call options so risky? ›

As a call seller, the most you'll make is the premium. While selling a call seems like it's low risk – and it often is – it can be one of the most dangerous options strategies because of the potential for uncapped losses if the stock soars.

Why do people fail at options trading? ›

One of the most common problems when trading options is a lack of diversification.

Can you make a living trading options? ›

How Much Does an Options Trader Make? It's realistic for an options trader to make at least $100,000 per year or more full-time, but it's important to realize that most traders won't make this amount. It takes hard work, mental discipline, and proper capital for a trader to make this kind of money.

Who loses money when you make money on options? ›

The seller of options wins 95 per cent of the time

Like being the owner of a casino in Vegas, when you sell options, the odds are in your favour. But in the options market you have even better odds than a casino. Practically every option buyer loses money.

When to buy calls and puts? ›

Typically, you use call options when you think a stock will go up. You use put options when you think a stock will go down. While typical, this isn't always the case. You can express negative sentiment on a stock via call options and positive sentiment with put options.

Is it hard to pass the CMA exam? ›

CMA Exam Structure. This exam is made up of two different parts. As I mentioned above, the passing rate for Part One is only 40% and 50% for Part Two. Each Part of the exam contains 100 multiple-choice questions and an essay section.

Is us CMA difficult to pass? ›

The CMA US test is extremely difficult and will push you to the limits of your knowledge. According to the CMA's 45 percent industry average success rate for both portions, less than half of test-takers will pass.

How hard is the medical assistant exam? ›

The CMA exam is a moderately difficult exam that you will have to spend some time preparing for. The exam covers all the basic information you should know to work as a medical assistant.

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