Lindsay Gazette from Lindsay, California (2024)

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"60 WEST YOUNG MEN GO 4 FORD A CHATTERS Editor and Publichor JULY 1960 The Rapidly Worsening Situation In Cuba JULY 1776s NEW YORK PECLARES INPEFYNPENCE OF GREAT BRITAIN JULY 101821: US RECEIVES EAST FLORIDA FROM SfftlN JULY II 1804: AARON HAMILTON PUEL JULY 12 1883! FIRST CIVIL SERVICE EXAMINATIONS 6MEN JULY IS 1863: PRAFT RWT5 i IN N-YC JULY l4IB6Zi TOKENS BANNEP AS US MONEY EARLY AIR MAIL QeRMe comets Hrtmsscp sec 7pe FBSTANMM eturaef NKMtX-BYA ASEOMf AN CAUPH SENT AN ORDERCfCHERRmSTOAlEAt- srxmtM 600MM9ED MESSENGERS YESTERDAYS ODD ESCAPE PRISONER ESCAPED FROM A IMNSNCSCRAPFBFRCNNlS ceanau-AOPMseoceomo ThB ymtCFHlSSOCKS 01U SOAP THEARNRiE CUT MXXBH THE BARS ANDTHEJAIUSW netffts HE US SAVINGS BONDS are Non fetter in three MEREST CN NTFN SCABS Ex HA INTEREST ON YOUR Ct BONES AND THE Pb7 E3F- or OYV ANY FERES TO YEARS A'AT Mir- WITH INTEREST ADDED JACK GRIGGS BUTANE L- I i i i 1 1 i fry vr suggestion Talking out of one side of his mouth he denounces the United States for aggression" and out of the other side of his highly flexible and always mobile lips he says that confiscation may be in order if we do not buy Cuba's chief export product Just what kind of economic aggression is Castro talking about? Nothing could be more aggressive economically than banditry or the seizing of property without legal right to its possession Los Angeles Herald-Express: Let us fool ourselves no longer We are dealing with a communistic people's republic the first stage of the revolution In Castro we are dealing with an enemy of the United States a servant of the Kremlin a menace to the peace of the American continents an instrument of Soviet policy The time has come for action against strong effective action Fullerton News Tribune: Authority to reduce sugar imports will give President Eisenhower the big stick he has needed to deal with Fidel Castro and his red-tinged cohorts in Cuba Given this right the President can move promptly to whack Cuba's biggest source of income if he thinks it necessary The United States now buys about one-third of its sugar requirements from Cuba at enough above the world price to give Cuba what amounts to a subsidy of $150 million per year Perhaps the threat of losing trade he needs desperately will sober Castro into a review of some of his radical policies and proclamations On 'Old Glory' others When Americans count and classify their people they find that they have lived up fully to the claim on the Statue of Liberty The land that encloses desert and mountain fabulous cities and ranchland badlands and bayous has indeed welcomed the destitute from the teeming shores of Europe given them work and sent a fair proportion back to Europe as prosperous tourists Canadians are in the fortunate position of retaining their Country tie of affection and at the same time sharing this rich continent with a friendly and generous neighbor They will join in congratulating the United States on this July 4 when the 50-star flag flies for the first time Another Straw In Cuba Luis A Baralt Cuban ambassador to Canada has resigned and asked the Canadian government for permission to remain in exile The Baralt resignation should give Americans a glimpse of a new facet of the Cuban activities Resignation is one thing and diplomats have resigned many times in disagreement with policy But election to remain in a foreign land is a matter less agreeable Sr Baralt has no strong ties in Canada He has been there less than a year as ambassador It is quite obvious that he has elected to remain because he does not wish to return to Cuba under present conditions The revolution indeed eats its own children One disagrees with Fidel Castro these (days only at the actual risk of life Denver Post Californians Speak AIR FORCE GEN CURTIS LE-MAY on missiles "They have never built loyalty or judgment in scrap iron" VIRGIL McCOMB Sacto "Socialism will fail because in order to succeed everyone must cooperate The human race much prefers to compete" DR JOSHUA LEDERBERG Stanford scientist on space research is some concern that the whole thing is out of bounds dollar-wise but in my opinion it is a challenge on the human frontier we should follow BOB FIB1SH Mill Valley distributor "Most people are so worried about mercenary things that they lose the feeling of what the good life is all about" MRS JOHN McGRAW visiting late husband's' transplanted Giants baseball without a hot dog" LOUIS HEILBRON State Bd of Education pres is nothing undemocratic in raising standards that will challenge every student to reach somewhere near his own capaci- The Gazette already has expressed concern 'over the situation in Cuba It is one of the post distressing problems this nation has faced ht the cold war and the solution does not ap-pear simple The longer the Castro irritation is allowed to fester however the more difficult will be our position when we are faced with making some firm decisions The communists in and out of Cuba are making hay in the meantime Premier Castro is acting like a Little Hitler or a Little Mussolini and history should indicate to him what fate may be his The Italians hanged Mussolini by his heels in a public square near Milan While we don't advocate this fate for Fidel Castro the end of most dictators is the same There are a number of his countrymen many of them intelligent and substantial who long ago became aware of the direction the rebel Cuban government is leading the small Republic Many of them are as concerned as we are along w'ith the rest of the Free World about letting the Russian communists get a firm foothold in North America Many of our fellow editors feel the same way Here is what several of them say: Bakersfield Californian The stupidity of some of the actions of Fidel Castro has never been more conspicuously stressed than by his announcement that Cuba will confiscate American property if this country reduces its consumption of sugar under State Department A Canadian Tribute: Fifty Stars (THE PROVINCE VANCOUVER CJ The new flag of the United States of America flies proudly in Vancouver today bearing the two extra stars symbolizing the admission of Alaska and Hawaii to the Union It is the first change in "Old since 1912 when Arizona became the 48th state The new flag thus celebrates the entry of Alaska and Hawaii into full partnership The flag flies free and bold under Canadian skies on this uly Fourth at a time when the world is torn with dissension The great nation it represents has suffered unwarranted insult and the barbs of the ignorant and ungrateful in every corner of the globe Yet never in the history of the world has a people poured out greater wealth for the benefit of The Way Of Freedom 'Chief Justice Earl Warren the other day warned that modern conflicts between freedom and tyranny can only be resolved by lawyers fully aware of and committed to broad principles of free government which brought this Nation into being" These says one writer with whose thoughts we concur will be welcome words to many who have in recent years felt that the broad principles of free government which brought this Nation into being have been more than somewhat confused by high placed lawyers perhaps not fully aware of the subtle modern conflicts between freedom and the tyranny of certain Ideologies Summer Warning Summer with its blessed tradition of vacations and travel and camping out is here but on its halcyon horizon is a dark cloud A smoke cloud it is smoke from fires that may if they are allowed to start prove disastrous to our State's magnificent forests of which Tulare county has thousands of acres This is the word of and California foresters and fire-fighting experts Last year's fires burned 381792 acres We have had two successive years of below normal rainfall in critical areas During those years we had 8-898 man-made fires Those statistics should provide a healthy warning for everyone who works lives or plays in the forests and wildlands It's fine to be fired up about your vacation just fire up the place where you play For not more than four or five times what they would cost at a grocery store a non-farmer can raise his own tomatoes No matter how much money the typical American makes he manages somehow to make his outgo exceed his income Bans 14 Lipstick Tints as Headline Good! It's serious enough for a fellow who kisses a girl to run the risk of being enslaved without the added risk of being poisoned FORTY YEARS AGO U'LY 9 1990 Cantaloupe shipping from the Lindsay district will commence next week with an estimate of nearly one hundrerd cars of melons unexcelled in quality to leave here this season Harry Ogllvle Lindsay trapshooter returned Sunday from San Francisco where he participated in the Olympic club shoot placing third high for the two-day meet Charles Amo Phillips and his bride formerly Miss Laura Hopping arrived in Lindsay Wednesday enroute to Giant Forest where they will spend their honeymoon Miss Marguerite Ward arrived Wednesday from Ottawa Kansas where she has been attending Ottawa university She will return to school this fall Mr and Mrs Inns and daughter and Mrs Locke and children are camped near each other at Lake Tahoe according to word received by Dr Locke A McKellar of west Strathmore has pur chased the Rosenbergcr ranch eust ol town and will take possession August 1 Miss Clara Min ter arrived tills morning to spend a month with her sister Mrs Marlcy Fisher A farewell party was given by members of the Nazarene church Wednesday evening in honor of Rev and Mrs Grimsley who have accepted the pastorate of the Nuxarene church in Mlton Calif FIFTY YEARS AGO JULY 1910 Tlie work of laying out the foundation of the new grammar school will commence today and from this date on the erection of the building will be pushed to the limit The new building will be located In the pomegranate orchard recently owned by the Nob Hill Vineyard Company and will make school more convenient for pupils in the section west of the track Eric Sundin moved his tailoring shop into new and commodious quarters in the Maas building and will put in a complete stock of cloth for tailoring purposes fl A Warson of Porterville has purchased of Lustlg the stock and business operated under the name of the Standard Drug Co and will take possession July 15 Miss Edna Wright having completed her work and graduation from the Los Angeles Normal arrived in Lindsay to spend the summer Miss Edith Campbell of Sacramento who formerly taught In the Lindsay schools was a visitor in town Friday and Saturday Mr and Mrs Carl Fulrell entertained a number of friends at luncheon Monday afternoon A party consisting of Mrs Hopping Philip Hopping Ben and Minnie Sliwon and Kate Board-man lert last Wednesday for Huckleberry Meadow The Jarless gocart is as eusy ns a hammock Sisson Ac Parker have them in gray and adv EXETER 600 PORTERVILLE SU 44715 FLOOR FURNACES RANGES WATER HEATERS GAS REFRIGERATORS TEN YEARS AGO JULY 7 195 Lindsay's population according to the 1950 census Just tips the 5000 mark It la to be exact 5033 preliminary figures released by the bureau office in Bakersfield reveal The 1940 census for Lindsay showed 4391 Lindsay's population 20 years ago in 1930 was 3878 Theo Calms was elected president of the board of directors of the Lindmore Irrigation District at the regular board meeting on Wednesday Brow-mopping Lindsay residents have suffered with the heat this week with the thermometers going as high as 111 degrees on June 30 and July 1 and 112 degrees on Sunday July 2 Monday July 3 was a cool 109 77ie engagement of Miss Norma Black daughter of Mr and Mrs Raleigh Black to Robert Perryman of Oakland was announced last Saturday night at a party at the Black home Roy Morrow 1st sergeant of headquarters battery 82 1st field artillery battalion at Visalia will report at Fart Lewis Wash July 9 for two weeks training The Rev and Mrs Arthur Qrobe and sons of Kokomo Ind arrived yesterday to visit with their daughter and son-in-law Mr and Mrs Archie Sheldon Serving a barbecue supper in the yard of their country home Mr and Mrs Holston entertained a group of friends on the Fourth MT and Mrs Conley Patty and Michael Conley left Wednesday for Idaho Falls Ida They will continue on to St Louis Mo where Mr Conley will be a state delegate to the National Education Association convention TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO JULY 5 1935 A Demanty was elected chief of the Lindsay volunteer fire department at the monthly meeting of the group held Monday night He succeeds Reafsnlder Carl Willett and Clyde Buckmaster of the Lindsay Fish and Came Protective association were packed into Maggie Lakes by Art Griswold Monday to plant 12000 Eastern Brook trout Combining the beauty of a simple wedding with a garden reception the nuptials of Miss Frances Vann and Bernard Anthony Murray of Los Angeles were celebrated Saturday morning Miss Louise Wellington of Berkeley is a guest of Miss Mary Calms at the Cairns' summer home at Doyles Mr and Mrs Wayne Smock and son Jack left yesterday for Indiana where they will visit friends and relatives near Indianapolis Charles Bachman is spending the week in San Diego He will go to Boulder Dam before returning home 'FOR AND ABOUT TEENAGERS Can You Talk To Boy THIS LETTER: "I have a problem about a certain boy I like He is 15 and I am 15 This boy doesn't know I like him But when I go to talk to him he Just walks awsy And what do you think about going steady with another boy And what should I do about this boyf lie hss ssked ms to go to tho show with him ond when I am ready 1 wait for him and be doesn't show up What should I do about this?" OUR ANBWEKl We ean't see where there is too much of problem "of what to do" about a boy who Just walks sway when you try to talk to him He Is obviously ruds or and not worth bothering if he is not least he would not of companions more fun to be are friendly and Thin column limn mndered the avenue of problem of dealing who will make show up There goad reasons far keep an engagement speaking of the either a show" without at nil From some of we are WE DO MORE THAN JUST WELDING Gr MACHINE WORK SEE US FOR Mufflers Duals Headers Blacksmithing Wrought Iron Specialties Welding Supplies Weed Sprayer Pent Steel Supplies Truck Bed Complete Bolt Stock Chapman Welding Machine Works 159 Samoa St Lindsay Phone 2-3553 Who Won't Be Still? there are a few boys who make dates when they never hBd any intention of showing up Why they do it is not quite clear but some of them do In the opinion of this writer a girl should uiways say the first time a particular hoy usks fur a dute IW dm't nwtn she should say I don't want to go out with you" We mean that slip should say something along t'lr lines you far asking we and I would like to go exei'pl that I have ulrettdy made same plans fur that time Please ash we again" If the hoy is really interested elumres are that lie will immediately say then liom about the next It UHirhs rx-aelly this way more limes Ihun it misfins Some teenage girl get the "dating" fever and spend their lime waiting for a any b'iy ask them for a dale If lie fails to show up they si ill say "yes" the next time lie them for a dale Sooner nr Inter tlvy learn that when begin to siy "Mi" to xi me of t'lej'- hoy wll begin lo art inoic lle gni! lemon pr'ilpm In 4 nr km ii! 4 i jt-a err mni i -i A Allot I MiHI-i Al IV I I Kl S' US'-AI'IH M-IIV-Uh MIANkfUIIT MV LINDSAY FIRE FIRE PFSYWON PURFAll with Certainly polite and friendly make Die best on a date It's with people who likeable in the pout rev-ml over what in approach to the with a teenager a dale and not are sometime not being able to hut we are boy or girl who date or fails to giving any excuse the Mum we receive) Inclined to believe.

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Lindsay Gazette from Lindsay, California (2024)
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Author: Mrs. Angelic Larkin

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Author information

Name: Mrs. Angelic Larkin

Birthday: 1992-06-28

Address: Apt. 413 8275 Mueller Overpass, South Magnolia, IA 99527-6023

Phone: +6824704719725

Job: District Real-Estate Facilitator

Hobby: Letterboxing, Vacation, Poi, Homebrewing, Mountain biking, Slacklining, Cabaret

Introduction: My name is Mrs. Angelic Larkin, I am a cute, charming, funny, determined, inexpensive, joyous, cheerful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.