Ultimate Guide to Maine Moose Hunting: top 3 Tips, Locations, and Season (2024)

Welcome to the ultimate guide for all you adventurous souls looking to embark on a thrilling Maine moose hunting expedition in the breathtaking wilderness of Maine!

Prepare yourself for the thumping thrills, calculated strategy, and spectacular scenery this incredible endeavor will bring you. We have advice, techniques, and insider knowledge that can help make your Maine moose hunting experience unforgettable, whether you’re an expert hunter or a beginner looking for an adrenaline-fueled adventure.

We’ll go deeply into every facet of successful moose hunting, from visiting the vast North Woods, the ideal environment for these majestic animals, to following their paths and honing your moose calls. Learn what equipment is crucial to bring before going into the wilderness and how patience and accuracy are essential components of a stealthy hunt.

As we reveal everything you need to know about Maine Moose Hunting: Tips, Locations, and seasons, grab your compasses, hone your senses, and join us. Together, let’s venture into uncharted areas!

H1: Key Techniques for Maine Moose Hunting Success

An effective technique is necessary for moose hunting to be successful in Maine. You’ll be well on your way to winning that coveted award if you use these critical tactics.

Scouting is essential, first and foremost. Learn about the topography and any potential hotspots that Moose might frequent. Tracks, droppings, or browse lines—areas where they have been grazing on vegetation—are indicators of their presence.

Spend time learning about moose habits next. Learn about their seasonal rhythms and mating rituals to better predict their travels. This information lets you find out when and where they’re most active.

Another key tactic is patience, and lots of it. Rather than acting immediately, moose hunting requires waiting for the ideal situation. Locate a suitable viewing spot or construct a blind close to recognized game routes or feeding places, then sit still and watch nature’s show as it plays out in front of your eyes.

The skill of stealthy hunting must also be mastered. Avoid making loud noises or odd movements that can draw the attention of neighboring Moose as you go carefully and silently through the countryside. Wearing camouflage clothes that complement the environment will help you blend in smoothly.

Last but not least, remember that practice makes perfect! So that you can confidently aim with accuracy and precision when the time comes, practice your shooting techniques properly before going on your hunt.

You’ll boost your chances of having an wonderfully successful Maine moose hunt by using five key tactics:

  • Meticulous scouting
  • Knowing moose behavior
  • Practicing patience and stealthiness
  • Honing your shooting techniques

Best Locations for Moose Hunting in Maine

North Woods Exploration: Ideal Moose Habitat

The immense wildness of Maine’s North Woods provides protection for Moose and is the perfect place to go if you want an exhilarating hunting adventure. This area provides an ideal home for these majestic creatures with its extensive ponds, thick woods, and profusion of plants.

You’ll encounter towering trees that form a canopy as you enter the North Woods. The crisp, pine-needle-scented air surrounds you as you travel over moss-covered trails. It’s easy to understand why Moose thrive in this undeveloped environment.

Knowing the preferred habitats of Moose is one of the keys to effective hunting. In the hot summer months, Moose gather in places close to lakes, ponds, or rivers to drink and cool down. Please also pay attention to low marshlands; they are essential moose feeding grounds where they can graze on aquatic plants.

Remember to watch along game trails for indications of recent activity, such as tracks or droppings. Moose frequently leave behind telltale indicators that point to their existence in the region, assisting hunters in limiting their options for hunting locations.

Planning your hunt during the busiest times of the year, when Moose are most active, is just as important as choosing a suitable habitat. Due to feeding schedules and colder temperatures, early mornings and late evenings are typically the best periods.

Remember that visiting Maine’s North Woods involves more than just hunting; it also involves getting close to nature’s beauties. Spend some time admiring the beauty surrounding you between hunts, from beautiful sunrises throwing golden colors across quiet waterways to stargazing at night under a canopy of glittering stars.

So gather your supplies and set out on a trek into the North Woods of Maine, where the excitement lies amid an unspoiled environment!

Ultimate Guide to Maine Moose Hunting: top 3 Tips, Locations, and Season (1)

Maine’s Moose Hunting Zones: A Guide

With its expansive wilderness and abundant moose population, Maine is a top location for moose hunting. Understanding the various moose hunting zones in the state is crucial for a successful hunt.

Northern Maine’s Zone 1 provides some of the best chances to harvest a trophy-sized moose. This region is well-known for its thick forests and rugged landscape, which makes it perfect for anyone looking for an exciting hunting experience.

Hunters can anticipate more diverse topography in Zone 2, including the central and western Maine portions. This zone offers a variety of habitats that draw Moose all through the season, from flat to hilly terrain.

Zone 3 includes the state’s southern and coastal regions. Due to lower moose concentrations, this area is less well-liked by hunters, yet it still offers prospects for success. Putting in the work could take more time and scouting, but it might be worthwhile.

Regarding permits and seasons, each zone has its own distinct set of rules. Before starting your hunt, becoming familiar with these rules is essential. Additionally, knowing the geography and unique qualities of each zone will give you an advantage when formulating your plan of attack.

Maine has plenty to offer every hunter looking for an extraordinary moose-hunting adventure.

Tracking for Success: Locating Moose Trails

A strong eye and sharp feeling are necessary to track Moose in the remote areas of Maine successfully. Finding and successfully using moose trails is crucial to improving your chances of success.

Remember that Moose are habitual animals first. When moving through their habitat, they frequently follow well-worn routes. Watch for indicators like trampled plants, broken branches, or droppings along these pathways. These clues can help you spot recent activity and decide whether a path is worthwhile.

Pay close attention to the direction of tracks and any associated marks on the ground when tracking Moose. Older songs could be faded or cluttered, while newer ones will have more clearly defined borders. By paying close attention to these particulars, you can determine how recently the Moose went through a region.

Using binoculars or spotting scopes from elevated vantage points like ridges or hilltops is another effective method for tracking Moose. You may scan a more comprehensive area and see potential trails from a distance. Look for areas where an approaching animal has brushed aside brush or for clear paths through dense vegetation.

In addition to physical traces, Moose often leave behind other hints; their browsing habits might reveal essential details about their activities. Watch for trees with peeled bark at different heights; this can signify that a moose has just been feasting there.

It’s critical to find recent tracks and comprehend what they say regarding the activity of the particular animal. For instance, because male Moose are more significant than females, those with widely separated hoof marks are usually those of a bull (male) moose. The depth of the imprints can also reveal whether the animal was strolling calmly or scurrying away from a perceived threat.

Remember that tracking involves patience and tenacity; occasionally, uncovering new indicators takes time and effort. Wear the proper footwear and be equipped with the right tools, such as a tracking stick or hiking poles, to navigate a variety of terrains.

Essential Gear and Techniques for Moose Hunting

Gear Up: Essential Tools for Moose Hunters

The appropriate equipment might mean the difference between a successful hunt and going home empty-handed when it comes to moose hunting in Maine. Here are a few critical tools that every moose hunter needs to have:

A trustworthy rifle is essential, first and foremost. Using a powerful gun chambered in.30-06 or greater is advised to guarantee you have the stopping power to take down these majestic animals. Before entering the field, make sure you practice your shot.

Next, wearing camouflage clothes is necessary to blend into your surroundings and avoid being seen by Moose, which have excellent eyesight. Choose designs like mossy oak or realtree that reflect the colors seen in the woodlands of Maine.

A reliable pair of boots is another must. Choose footwear with ankle support and waterproof protection because you’ll be hiking across rugged terrain and maybe damp conditions.

You’ll be better able to measure distances correctly when assessing possible targets if you have a range finder with you in addition to your handgun. This is particularly useful when hunting in regions with a lot of foliage because it could be challenging to see.

Another useful tool to have on hand is a set of good binoculars.

You can use these to survey a region from a distance and look for moose tracks or other indications of activity.

After a successful hunt, you’ll need a sharp skinning knife, game bags for carrying meat safely home without spoiling it, and other supplies to correctly field dress a moose.

To be visible to other hunters nearby, wear safety gear like orange vests or hats. Taking necessities like water bottles, snacks, first aid kits, and survival gear for emergencies is crucial during your time outdoors.

With these essentials, you’ll be prepared for an incredible trip while hunting Maine’s spectacular moose population! Happy searching!

Learning Moose Calls: Attracting Prey

Mastering moose calls is one of the most essential skills for a successful moose hunt in Maine. These ferocious vocalizations are employed to entice and converse with these magnificent animals. You can improve your chances of attracting them closer by learning to mimic their distinctive sounds.

It’s crucial to first comprehend the various moose sounds and when to use each type. The most prevalent call is called a “cow” because it resembles the low-pitched noise female Moose make when mating. This cry may draw in both males and females.

The bull grunt is another effective cry that mimics the heavy moans of male Moose during the rutting season. Your chances of running into one are increased because these cries might arouse the curiosity or anger of neighboring bulls.

It’s essential to use the proper method when employing moose sounds. Start quietly and gradually build volume and intensity to get a realistic effect. Changing your calling habits will help your calls sound more credible by simulating natural behavior.

When utilizing moose calls, timing is crucial. For best success, try scheduling your calling sessions for early morning or late afternoon, when moose activity is typically at its peak.

Always exercise patience while using moose sounds to attract prey. It would help if you waited for a responding bull or cow to come to you because it can take some time for them to get there.

Along with practicing alone, think about getting advice from seasoned hunters or spending money on educational resources like DVDs or online tutorials that offer in-depth instructions on perfecting various moose calls.

You’ll improve your hunting prowess by developing this skill over time through repetition and experience, and you’ll also come to appreciate the finer points of conversing with these majestic animals.

Stealthy Hunting: The Art of Patience and Precision

When it comes to the craft of stealthy Moose hunting in Maine, patience and accuracy are essential components. Due to their keen senses, these majestic creatures are susceptible to any potential environmental threat or disturbance. Hunters must approach with deliberate caution if they want to beat them.

Silence is essential, first and foremost. Every movement should be considered and regulated to reduce the noise that can spook a moose into taking off. Avoid moving through the underbrush when wearing loud or potentially rustling clothing or equipment.

Being patient is essential for success. Moose can spot abrupt movements at a vast distance thanks to their keen vision. You lessen your chance of grabbing their attention by moving slowly and deliberately.

It’s also crucial to blend in with your surroundings naturally. Wear camouflage apparel that complements the wild areas of Maine, as this will make it easier for you to blend in.

As you move closer to your target region, conceal your presence using natural cover like trees or boulders. By dispersing your silhouette, you’ll get a tactical edge, making it more difficult for Moose to detect you.

The ability to manage scent is also essential for stealthy hunting. Moose have an extraordinary sense of smell and can pick up on human odors from far away. Use scent-eliminating sprays on your equipment to reduce any remaining smells that might alert others to your presence.

Pay attention to the value of patience when hunting. Finding a moose worth chasing could take several hours or even days. Wait patiently for a chance to take a shot while remaining close to known feeding or watering places where they are likely to frequent.

Remember that stealthy hunting demands discipline and attention to detail—every action counts! So practice these techniques before going on your next moose hunting expedition in the wilds of Maine!

Understanding Maine’s Moose Hunting Season and Regulations

Moose Hunting Season Date Navigation

Understanding the nuances of the hunting season dates is one of the most important aspects of organizing a successful moose hunting trip in Maine. The State Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife (DIFW) strictly controls Moose hunting to preserve viable populations and provide hunting opportunities.

The first step is to understand when to file a permission application. Typically, the application window opens in the middle of January and closes at the end of February. Since these dates fluctuate from year to year, keeping an eye on the DIFW website or joining their email list is imperative.

Once you’ve obtained your permission, you should decide which hunting season to participate in. In Maine, September, October, November, and December have distinct seasons. Studying and choosing the hunting season that best suits your interests and objectives is crucial because each has advantages.

Since the weather is still moderate in September, hunters have more flexibility. Since fewer people apply for permits during this period, the early season is typically less competitive.

Moose may become more active in preparation for the mating season as the weather cools in October. This may make it simpler to locate them, but it also means that other hunters will be more aggressive.

Peak moose rutting season occurs in November, when bulls are most noisy and active. This is an exciting time for seasoned hunters seeking harrowing encounters.

With its colder temperatures and likely snow cover, December provides a complete winter experience that makes it easier to track the movements of Moose. However, during this late-season hunt, vision may be compromised owing to foliage reduction.

Before finalizing your plans, it’s essential to remember that different open seasons apply to other zones within each region based on wildlife management goals.

Managing Maine’s moose hunting season is easier if you are familiar with these specifics and remain informed of any changes. You’ll be on your way with some luck and cautious planning.

Legal Requirements and Permits for Moose Hunting in Maine

Obtaining the required licenses is an important step to take before beginning your Maine moose hunting excursion. The Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife (MDIFW), which is in charge of the licensing process, sustainably manages the moose population in the state.

To take part in a moose hunt, you must apply for one of the several available licenses, such as ordinary, landowner, or super pack permits. The application window opens in January and closes in May each year.

It’s crucial to check the MDIFW website for details on deadlines and regulations.

Residents of Maine are given an advantage when applying for permits under the lottery method. However, through specified permit zones, non-residents can access sought-after badges.

Getting familiar with all applicable rules governing Moose hunting in Maine is essential once you’ve obtained your permission. These rules include legal weapon requirements, bag limitations, and post-hunt reporting obligations.

Remember that following these rules assures legal compliance and supports long-term wildlife management strategies that safeguard this iconic species for future generations.

Take the time to familiarize yourself with the regulations governing tagging practices and transportation limits for harvested animals before venturing out into the bush. With this knowledge, you can ensure that your entire hunting trip will take place within the bounds of the law.

You can have a thrilling but responsible Maine moose hunting expedition and favorably impact conservation efforts by following these permission procedures and abiding by the laws established by MDIFW.

Responsible Moose Hunting as Part of Conservation Efforts

When it comes to moose hunting in Maine, ethical hunting practices are crucial for maintaining a healthy population of these majestic creatures. Hunters may make a substantial contribution to conservation efforts and help protect this beautiful animal for the foreseeable future.

Responsible moose hunting, first and foremost, begins with abiding by the law and having the required permits. Each year, the Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife establishes precise quotas and rules to ensure that hunting doesn’t endanger the species’ total population.

Additionally, hunters must employ moral hunting techniques. This entails merely taking what is required and using as much of the animal as possible. Hunting responsibly is based on the idea that no part of a killed moose should be wasted.

Furthermore, maintaining the natural ecosystem where Moose thrive depends on respecting habitat boundaries. Avoiding sensitive regions like wetlands or nesting locations helps safeguard the nearby ecology and future wildlife generations.

Participating in conservation initiatives entails funding groups that protect Maine’s animals’ habitats. Beyond your hunting activities, you can positively affect conservation by funding regional projects or giving your time.

To shoot Moose, a responsible current is essential. Hunters who stay current on the latest information on moose populations, habitat protection tactics, and best practices are better prepared to make ethical choices.

By adhering to these guidelines for ethical moose hunting, we can take part in this exhilarating activity while protecting Maine’s priceless wildlife resources for future generations.

Ultimate Guide to Maine Moose Hunting: top 3 Tips, Locations, and Season (2)

Planning Your Moose Hunting Trip in Maine

Selecting a Reliable Moose Hunting Guide

Having a skilled and experienced guide makes all the difference when moose hunting in Maine. Some things to consider while choosing your moose hunting guide

Find a guide who is familiar with the area in the first place. They should thoroughly understand moose behavior patterns and be conversant with the best moose habitats. If you do this, you will have a far better chance of spotting and killing a moose.

Next, think about their prior performance. A trustworthy hunter will have a record of pleased clients and successful hunts. Before choosing, feel free to check online reviews or inquire about references.

Finding a guide who shares your ideals as a responsible hunter is also crucial. Choose a hunter who prioritizes conservation initiatives and adheres to moral hunting principles. By doing this, you can be sure that, in addition to taking pleasure in the hunt, you’re also doing your part to protect this great species for coming generations.

Furthermore, when selecting a moose hunting guide, communication is essential. Make sure they know your tastes, goals, and any unique requirements you may have when hunting. An intelligent guide will pay close attention and adjust their approach as necessary.

Do not disregard logistics! Consider the guide’s lodgings (if any), equipment accessibility, and any extra services they provide, like field dressing or meat processing.

You’ll boost your likelihood of having an outstanding trip while ensuring it’s done responsibly and ethically by carefully considering these considerations before selecting your moose hunting guide in Maine.

Logistics and Accommodations for a Successful Hunt

Accommodations and planning are essential for a successful moose hunting trip in Maine. Finding the ideal lodging and planning your vacation can make a difference in this vast wilderness and inaccessible region.

There are several options available when it comes to lodging. Many hunters opt to set up camp overnight in authorized locations or at one of the many campgrounds in Maine. This makes getting to the best hunting fields simple and offers a close-up view of the natural world. There are also rental cabins and lodges close to well-known hunting areas for extra comfort.

Make sure to thoroughly arrange your logistics before starting your hunt. It’s essential to do your homework before you go hunting there. Get to know the terrain, identify any potential dangers or restrictions, and get any licenses or permits you’ll need well in advance.

Another important factor is transportation. You may need to arrange for a flight or a rental car, depending on where you’re coming from and where you intend to hunt. If you utilize ATVs or other vehicles for your hunt, make sure they are well-maintained and equipped for difficult terrain.

Before venturing into the wilderness, stocking up on supplies is crucial. Aside from any specialist gear required for tracking or processing wildlife, ensure you bring enough food, water, fuel, camping gear, and ammunition (if necessary).

Last but not least, when organizing your lodging and logistics, put safety first. These precautions will help ensure a safe journey throughout your moose-hunting adventure. They include informing someone of your itinerary so they can check in if necessary, packing sufficient first aid kits, dressing appropriately for the weather, carrying navigational aids like maps or GPS devices, and packing emergency communication devices like satellite phones or personal locator beacons.

Remember that careful lodging and logistics planning will increase your likelihood of having a successful—and enjoyable—moose-hunting adventure in Maine. Happy searching!

Investigating Maine’s Natural Beauty Beyond the Hunt

While moose hunting in Maine is exciting, it’s crucial to remember that this stunning state offers much more than just hunting. Take some time to discover all the natural delights Maine has to offer after you’ve had your fill of adventure and successfully bagged a moose.

Maine is home to breathtaking landscapes, from rocky coastlines and immaculate beaches to lush forests and gorgeous mountains. Hike along one of the many beautiful trails in Acadia National Park or Baxter State Park to enjoy nature and the stunning scenery.

Maine has several kayaking, boating, and fishing options for individuals who enjoy these water sports. Set a line in one of the rivers or lakes with crystal-clear water brimming with trout and salmon. By kayak or sailboat, explore the secluded bays along the coastline and take in the peace of nature.

If wildlife intrigues you for reasons other than moose hunting, look for other amazing creatures that call Maine home. There are various opportunities for wildlife viewing throughout the state, from soaring bald eagles to playful seals sunbathing on rocky coasts.

Not to mention the quaint towns and cities of Maine. After spending some time outdoors, explore and relax in the city. You can savor fresh seafood at nearby eateries while admiring the magnificent waterfront views. Visit tiny stores stocked with one-of-a-kind items from regional artisans and handmade crafts.

Explore beyond only moose hunting to truly appreciate all that makes Maine unique, whether you’re a devoted outdoor enthusiast or just seeking a tranquil retreat after a productive hunt.

In conclusion, going on a moose hunting journey in Maine is an unforgettable experience full of obstacles and rewards (without using the word “in conclusion”). By utilizing these pointers on tactics, destinations, and equipment choices,

You can improve your chances of a successful hunt by following safety precautions, laws, and regulations.


Timing is crucial when it comes to moose hunting in Maine. Each hunter’s particular objectives and preferences strongly influence the optimal time of year for moose hunting. But there are a few essential things to consider when organizing your hunting trip.

The mating season, often known as the rutting phase, typically lasts from late September to early October and is an important consideration. Bull moose become more noisy and energetic as they look for partners during this period. It is simpler to find and call them due to this increased activity.

The weather during the various seasons is another thing to think about. Early autumn is the perfect time to go hunting because the weather starts to cool off and the greenery changes color. In addition, Moose are more active in cooler temperatures, making it simpler to follow their whereabouts.

Maine has a limited-entry moose permit system, which is also important to note. The Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife (DIFW) manages a lottery system for hunters to apply for permits several months in advance. Start making plans now since the application season often begins in January or February, with results published later in the spring.

The optimum time of year to go on your moose hunting expedition will depend on several variables, including your preferred difficulty level, the weather type, and the availability of permits. Check the DIFW’s most recent restrictions before venturing into the bush!

Getting a moose hunting license in Maine is a rather easy process. Visit the Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife’s website to get started. There, you can find all the essential paperwork and details. Because the application period normally runs from January through the middle of May, make sure to mark your calendars.

Before submitting your application, you must choose between a bull-only and an any-moose permit. While any-moose licenses allow you to hunt either sexes of Moose, bull-only tickets are more scarce and much sought after. Remember that there is a fee for applications and additional payments for those who are accepted.

Make sure to give accurate information about yourself and any potential hunting partners on the application form. Additionally, it would help if you decided which Wildlife Management District (WMD) you want to go hunting in. Researching several WMDs in advance is crucial because some might be more effective than others.

By early June, the results of your application will typically be available. Congratulations if you’re successful in getting a permit! Before entering the woods for an exhilarating Maine moose hunting adventure, carefully read all the surrounding restrictions.

Any serious Maine moose hunter must know how to use the moose calling technique. It’s a trick to get Moose to approach and investigate by imitating their mating sounds. You can attempt several successful moose-calling methods.

One common technique is using a cow call, which mimics the low grunts emitted by female Moose. Bulls that are searching for potential partners may be drawn to this. Another tactic is the “bull grunt,” in which hunters imitate the rutting season’s deep guttural moose noises. You can accomplish this with a specific call or even just your voice.

Remembering that persistence and timing are essential components of effective moose calling is crucial. Since Moose are most active in the early morning and late evening, these are the best times to go calling.

Start your call softly and progressively turn up the volume if there is no answer after 10 to 15 minutes. Changing up your calls to include cow, bull, and even calf distress noises will improve your chances of luring a moose’s attention.

But keep in mind that, like with any hunting method, outcomes can vary based on local population density and weather conditions.

So go out there and hone your moose mimicry abilities, then try these successful moose-calling methods on your next trip to Maine!

Maine has put restrictions on Moose shooting in place to guarantee the species is managed sustainably and ethically. These laws allow hunters to enjoy their sport while also assisting in conserving the species.

One significant restriction is that moose hunting in Maine is only permitted for people who have been chosen through a lottery system. The state holds an annual permit lottery to allow a limited number of people to hunt. Overhunting is avoided, and the quantity of animals taken each year is regulated.

There are limitations on both bag limits and hunting techniques. Generally, hunters are only permitted to take one Moose per season, and depending on the Wildlife Management District (WMD) they are hunting in, there may be restrictions on antler size or sex. Hunters must become familiar with these rules before entering the field.

Hunting in national parks and wildlife refuges may be prohibited in WMD-affected regions. It is important to respect these boundaries and adhere to any additional instructions given by landowners or governing bodies.

It’s important to remember that non-resident hunters who want to go on a guided moose hunt must employ a licensed Maine guide. This guarantees that all pursuits are performed safely, morally, and with the assistance of professionals.

Following these guidelines will allow hunters to responsibly and sustainably pursue their hobby while helping to preserve a healthy moose population.

Consider several variables when choosing a Maine moose hunting guide. First and foremost, find a guide who has a lot of moose hunting knowledge and experience. They should have experience assisting hunters in bagging their prizes and be knowledgeable about the area’s wildlife and geography.

It’s also critical to pick a guide who puts safety first. If not done carefully, moose hunting can be physically taxing and dangerous. A trustworthy hunter will prioritize your safety and ensure all necessary safety measures are taken.

Take into account the services that various guides provide as well. Some might offer housing alternatives or transportation to and from hunting grounds for hunters from outside the state. Others can be more skilled at tracking or field-dressing games.

Spend some time reading customer evaluations and endorsem*nts of possible guides. You can learn more about their professionalism, interpersonal skills, dependability, and level of overall client happiness by doing this.

Pay attention to the price. The cost of a moose hunt can vary significantly based on several variables, including the hunt’s duration and amenities offered. Set a spending limit for yourself, but remember that high-quality guiding services are frequently more expensive.

You’ll improve your chances of having an outstanding adventure while maintaining your safety on the trip by carefully considering these aspects when choosing a moose hunting guide in Maine.



Happy hunting!

Ultimate Guide to Maine Moose Hunting: top 3 Tips, Locations, and Season (3)

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Michael M. Hart

michael is a seasoned hunting expert with over two decades of experience in the wilderness. His profound knowledge of tracking, marksmanship, and wilderness survival makes him a revered authority in the hunting community. Through this blog, he passionately shares tips, techniques, and captivating hunting adventures that inspire and educate enthusiasts worldwide.

Ultimate Guide to Maine Moose Hunting: top 3 Tips, Locations, and Season (2024)


What are the best moose hunting zones in Maine? ›

Guided and Non-Guided Moose Hunting in WMD 11, 10, 19, 18 & 6. Northern Maine, with it's vast wilderness, has the largest Moose population in the lower 48 states. We offer fully guided and non-guided Moose hunts in WMD (zones) 11, 10, 19, 18, and 6. If you are fortunate enough to draw a Moose permit, give us a call.

Where is the highest density of moose in Maine? ›

Moose can be seen throughout the state, but their population is greatest in Aroostook County. The best times to spot them are at dusk and dawn from mid-May through July and again in the fall during their breeding season.

What town in Maine has the most moose? ›

Two of the best moose watching spots in the state are in The Maine Highlands region, Moosehead Lake and Baxter State Park. In and around Moosehead, moose outnumber people three to one, and it's no wonder why the lake got its name.

What is the success rate of moose hunting in Maine? ›

In 2023, 2,279 hunters were successful in harvesting a moose out of the 3,555 total permittees. This overall success rate was 64%.

Where are the best moose in Maine? ›

Here are a few specific places to go moose spotting in western Maine: Route 201 from The Forks to the Canadian border (they don't call it “Moose Alley” for nothing!), Route 27 between Carrabassett and Eustis, Route 6 from Dover-Foxcroft to Greenville, all around Moosehead Lake (like Lazy Tom Bog) and Greenville, the ...

What are the odds of drawing a Maine moose tag? ›

In 2023, for instance, 46,242 Maine residents applied for moose permits. Of those, 3,712 received permits. That means that Mainers had a 8.03 percent chance of winning a permit, doesn't it?

What time of day are moose most active? ›

Moose are more active at dawn and dusk. They are most active in the fall during their mating season, or "rut."

What is the moose capital of Maine? ›

Kokadjo is Maine's moose watching capital. We can direct you to the best spots, including several that are known as the best places to see big moose.

Are moose more active at night or day? ›

What Time of Day Are Moose Most Active? Moose are crepuscular animals, meaning that they are most active at dawn and dusk.

Are there grizzly bears in Maine? ›

Black Bears are the smallest and most encountered bears in North America among black, brown/grizzly, and polar bears, and are the only bears found in the eastern United States.

Are there wolves in Maine? ›

Wolves once existed throughout Maine but removal began shortly after European settlement. Currently no established wolf populations live in this state.

What is the biggest moose killed in Maine? ›

The largest bull ever harvested in Maine had a dressed weight of 1,330 pounds and means it would have weighed approximately 1,767 pounds! The total length of a moose is about 9 feet and the front hoof width is about 5 inches for a prime bull, just under 4 inches for a cow, and just under 3 inches for a calf.

How hard is it to draw a moose tag in Maine? ›

The article I just read puts your chances at a Maine moose tag at 1/72 for a resident and 1/1300 for a non-resident.

What are the best moose hunting times? ›

Time of Year: Mating season for moose begins in late September and continues through mid October. Hunting during this time of year is ideal, as moose are much more active and bulls are more likely to respond to calls. If hunting later in the season, your search for a bull may take you deeper into the forests.

How many moose tags does Maine give out? ›

Maine's moose hunt is a "permit only" hunt.

4,105 permits were issued for the 2023 moose hunt. Each permittee may select a subpermittee to hunt with them. Applications are accepted April – May of each year. A person may not hunt moose with an apprentice hunter license.

Where is Zone 4 Maine moose hunt? ›

District 4 shall be that portion of the state located within the following bounds: Beginning at the point where the Golden Rd intersects the Maine-Quebec border in T5R20 WELS; then following the Maine-Quebec border northerly to the point where the American Realty Rd intersects the Maine-Quebec border in T11R17 WELS; ...

Where is the best moose hunting? ›

Where to hunt Moose. Moose live in boreal forest regions across the northern part of the globe. The biggest, known as Alaska-Yukon, inhabit the Alaska and the Yukon into the Mackenzie Mountains of the Northwest Territories. The Chukotka moose from Kamchatka and Russian North-East is just as big.

What zone is Jackman, Maine for moose hunting? ›

Maine Moose Hunt Fully guided Jackman Maine Moose Permit Hunting Zone 8 Maine Moose Population - Bulldog Camps.

How much does a guided moose hunt cost in Maine? ›

Moose lottery winners

We offer fully guided hunts & lodging for $4,000 which includes 7 nights lodging, 6 day hunt for yourself and subpermitee. Included: All meals, lodging, experienced guide, daily housekeeping, transportation to hunt, recovery and transportation to meat processing and taxidermist.

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Article information

Author: Gregorio Kreiger

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Views: 6233

Rating: 4.7 / 5 (57 voted)

Reviews: 88% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Gregorio Kreiger

Birthday: 1994-12-18

Address: 89212 Tracey Ramp, Sunside, MT 08453-0951

Phone: +9014805370218

Job: Customer Designer

Hobby: Mountain biking, Orienteering, Hiking, Sewing, Backpacking, Mushroom hunting, Backpacking

Introduction: My name is Gregorio Kreiger, I am a tender, brainy, enthusiastic, combative, agreeable, gentle, gentle person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.